Vanishing Roadside Prints

Giclee prints sold on this page are printed by the fine craftsman, Richard Edelman at Woodstock Graphic Studio. He uses only 100% rag fine archival paper and pigmented inks.


What’s a “giclee”?
The word “giclee” refers to a limited edition, digital reproduction of two-dimensional artwork (such as a painting on canvas) on high quality paper with fine art inks.


What’s in a name?
The French word “giclee” means “squirt.” Many stories explain its current use – suffice to say that the term was first used to name early experiments with digital printers to generate art prints. Some common translations of giclee include: squirting ink, spitting ink, little squirt. Take your pick!


All prices are for prints with the image size indicated, most have white borders beyond this dimension for easy matting and framing. If you would like the image matted, add an additional $25.


Shipping and handling cost is $25.00
