24 Jul Reveals locations, 9-28 & 10-3, 1944
28 Sept 1944 V-Mail
Mary darling – ah – at last I’m sitting here in a nice warm sun! Just finished reading your Sept 11 ltr & figure I’d better answer now before I get too busy for the next couple of days. So glad that you got the flowers. No significance attached except my love & thoughts of you. There’s a little white hen scratching and clucking contentedly away smack underneath the tailgate of my truck here. Little does she know how near death she is. How I’m tempted to just drop a wrench on her lil head! But Army regulations say no. She would taste good, though. (5 hours delay in here – now in new location). Have just finished reading 4 ltrs of June – 1 from Dad, 1 from Elsie & 1 from GI friend, and one from my honey – when you were having all the reservation trouble for the trip to Maine! Ancient history, but very good to get, anyway. Am very busy right now, darling, but am taking out time to let you know how much I miss you & love you. We’re living inside now – real style! At least it will be warmer and roomier than a pup tent. Give Karen a nice little kiss for me and here’s a HUGE one for you
All my love,
3 Oct 1944 V-Mail
Mary dear – Two big ltrs from you yesterday. One with the picture of the house. It looks really swell, darling. Should be grand for all of us – particularly Karen. Was most amused by your description of Mercedes’ Chinese friends. Sounds exactly like you. Have you heard of him lately? This morning an order was read allowing us to mention towns we visit now. Yes – I was in Paris 3 times! Too much to write in a ltr. I’ll tell you about it. Landed at Liverpool in Eng. and the first camp (with the big chateau built in time of Charles the First) was near Manchester. Isigny was the only town you will find on a map near where I spent my 1st month in France. Landed at Grand Camp Beach. Most awe inspiring sight was the July 25 St Lo (?) plane raid. And St Lo the most devastated, desolate place you can imagine. Every – but every – structure of any kind was smashed. Versailles palace is lovely – and grounds go on for miles. Liege (?) is the best looking town we saw in Belgium – but of course we were only there a week so couldn’t see much. But their beer was delicious! You could also buy ice cream there occasionally! Golly, but I miss you, baby. You & Karen and the house. I look forward, constantly, to the day when I walk in the front door. Give my best to Mer & Dolores.
All my love to you & K
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