14 Oct Henry’s Rabbit Ranch, Staunton, Illinois
Henry’s Rabbit Ranch just outside of Staunton, Illinois on Route 66, is so much fun. When we first pulled up to the place we saw a bunch of cars stuck in the ground and couldn’t figure out what the deal was (obviously an homage to Cadillac Ranch, but what are they?) Then it hit us like a lightening bolt – they were VW Rabbits! on an angle in the ground. So so funny!
This is a classic-style roadside attraction but created relatively newly in 1995 by a guy named “Henry” around the gas station theme. Some things are pure American kitsch and this fits the bill very well. It’s a Route 66 information center but essentially a place to buy the beginnings of what will end up being a great collection of Route 66 memorabilia to keep or give away when you get home. The best is the sweet bunny who sits at the cash register and loves to be pet by all who purchase something – which when we were there was just about everyone!
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