25 Mar Watercolor journal from Barbados
It’s been such a long time since I’ve posted any of my travel journals here! Feels great to be back! and sharing some of the sketches and paintings I created on our last trip to glorious Barbados in February.
I would like to give Barbara Bash a big shout out for being a huge inspiration with her book True Nature, An Illustrated Journal of Four Seasons in Solitude. She has the most wonderful way of capturing the essence of things, both visually and in her writing. Out of reading her book, and appreciating her artwork – I purchased a new watercolor sketchbook and set out to allow myself to create in new ways on this trip. I gave myself permission to focus on something small, a detail, or just a part of something – instead of thinking I had to create a complete picture! This was not only a great exercise, it was also fun!
I hope you enjoy these images – MAE
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