09 Sep Sunday “church”, Feb 5 & 7, 1945
In the first letter to Mary, Dad mentions that he got to see Marlene Dietrich in a live show! THAT must have been amazing for the guys! But more interesting in the second letter to his Dad is his telling about going to “church” every Sunday and where some of the “churches” have been since he’s been in the field. I found his little Bible that I now know his Dad gave him, with all his war stuff – so will share a picture of it with you here.
5 Feb 1945 V-Mail
Hello, Sweetie, Yesterday was another good day! 4 ltrs again with two from you – Jan 9 & 10. Wonderful – about Karen whispering in your ear at 2 AM about her candles! My gosh –‘s good thing they got the bonus ironed out! $700 ain’t to be lost on a technicality! Anyway, it was swell to get mail. Dad sent me clippings (as always – ) and one was something about picking Man of Year, in sports. P.I.’s idea included my friend Harry Givan & Leon Brigham. I don’t know why, but I felt inclined so I wrote a fan letter to Brig! Kept it decent, though, only saying that to me and undoubtedly hundreds of other guys he was much more than just a “man of the year”!
Today I saw (woo-woo-gr rough – wolf ft!!) Marlene Dietrich. She looks mighty fine. Does the comedy-mind-reading act with the M.C. (“what’s this Cpl’s girl’s name – around the neck” – Miss D. “Pearl” etc and sang “See What The Boys in the Backroom etc” & showed one of the glamorous gams. A singer (Rd to Madalay) a pianist, a gal comedienne & MC travel with her. Good show. But I’ll still settle for you & Miss K.
All my love, Pappy
To Frank (at same address)
7 Feb 1945 V-Mail
Dear Dad – After not hearing from you for a long time, I finally got two of your letters yesterday & the day before. Dec 28th & Jan 6th. Thanks for the clippings & enclosed ltr of Harolds. I sure enjoyed “Meet Earl Kiner”! Say hello to him & Katherine & Larry for me. I’m so glad that yo got the Rosary from Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris & liked it. I carry my bible from you with me all the time & go to church almost every Sunday. Some of the places we’ve had services are pretty peculiar. When we were “in the field” in France, Bel & Holland we just used to sit down on our helmets, rifles by our sides (funny to take guns to church, hmm?) and have the service in an orchard or under a big tree. Now that we’re inside, we have had pretty good rooms (also used as mess hall, movies etc) but one place was a big, blasted power plant with bits of roof & wall & machinery scattered around the floor. Mary wrote that she was delighted with the dress for Karen. You must have heard from her by now because she said she had written to you. Now don’t work too hard, Dad. Very best to you, Aunt Mag & Harold & Rene – your son
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