09 Oct Pops Soda Ranch, Route 66 Oklahoma
Just before you get to Oklahoma City while you’re traveling on Route 66, you’ll come upon Pops Soda Ranch. This place is truly inspired! Someone very creative with lots of money invented a wonderful new roadside attraction in the little town of Acadia. This 66′ high LED bottle lights up at night (sure wish I could have seen it!) with a colorful light show. The building and gas station are also boast a futuristic design and feature over 700 different bottles of chilled sodas, lined up according to color all around the glass walls! When you look at it from the outside of the building you see big swaths of color in each window section. From the inside looking out, it’s kaleidoscopic! They have a soda fountain, diner, gas station and of course a souvenir shop so you can purchase more Route 66 loot to take home to your friends and family. Very impressive.
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