18 Jan We the People – Stand for Equality

#millionwomenmarch poster January 21, 2017
I’m thrilled to be attending The Million Women March in Washington DC on Saturday January 21, 2017. This historic march will bring together like minded people who want to make sure our democratic values and principles are secure moving forward. I thought a lot about what I wanted my sign to say, and was inspired by the posters Shepard Fairey created with the headline “We the People”. I realized this was also what I wanted to stress in my message: “Equality for All People”, as a fundamental principle our union was founded on. That includs all living beings and loving kindness to the planet itself. Wishing all who are bearing the torch of our democratic spirit a great march!
Cynthia Stemper
Posted at 20:36h, 24 JanuaryIt was great spending the March on your coattails! Cindy from Milwaukee 🙂