13 Jul On the move, August 8, 1944 letters
In these two letters, both written on August 8, 1944, my Dad is thrilled to have received 22 letters at once, but is apologetic for not having time to write, as they’re finally moving more often and they’re busy digging new foxholes and laying new communications cable.
8 Aug 1944 V-Mail
Dear Dad – My bag of mail finally came in. I got 22 letters Sunday night, but have been so darn busy I did not even have a chance to read them until yesterday noon. I’m sorry to hear that you were sick. What was it, a hangover from the flu? Hope sincerely that you’re feeling fine now. I also rec’d Harold & Renes birthday card, thank them for me, please, and I hope they understand why I don’t have time to write, but I’ll try to if I can. Weather here is very similar to Seattle in the summer. Cold & heavy dew at night – foggy until around 9 AM in morning – and now quite hot – 3 PM. You can read the papers and see that things are moving pretty fast over here. The faster we move, the more foxholes we have to dig, and the more tel. lines there are to be taken up and laid down at the new location – so if I don’t have time to write it should be good news to you – meaning that we are that much closer to coming home. It’s a lot of work but we’d all just as soon move every day for that reason. In the meantime, you take care of yourself and don’t work so hard. You’ve done more than your share. Love to you and Aunt Mag & Ag
Your son, Rollin
8 Aug 1944 V-Mail
Mary darling – Night before last I got 22 (a good no. I always say) letters!! Filled in a lot of yours that were missing, and from various other people, but we’ve been so darn busy that I didn’t even have time to read them until yesterday noon, and now I’m trying to remember some of your more pertinent questions to answer in the short time I have. Can’t tell you how close your letters bring you to me. They’re wonderful. Air-mail far the best for everything. No, darling, I can’t even hint where we are. Maybe later I can tell you where I’ve been, tho; I’ll find out. Have rec’d no pkgs. Had 1 ltr from Bill, none from your Dad, however. I’ll write your folks, darling. Should have before, but you know our time is limited. My folks both said they’d love to hear from you, too. Your ltrs from Maine came, and a vacation there when I get home sounds the best I’ve heard yet. I’m going to get my correspondence organized and try to write a comprehensive letter as soon as I can, baby, but we’re busy characters right now. Give my love to all and explain about the writing. It’s fine to read about you & Karen – all my love you, sweetheart
Letter #29 Pappy
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