04 Sep Moved to the 3513 Ord MAM, Jan 1945
21 Jan 1945 V-Mail
Hello, Sweetie – Finally got Moris & your folks Xmas pkgs – and a V mail from Rene. First mail in five days. Haven’t had a chance to open the pkgs yet. Will before I finish this ltr. Certainly wish there’d been ltrs from you, but they’ll be along, I guess. (2 hr lapse of time for work, supper & opening pkgs). Both pkgs were really swell! Mom sent one of those heavy silver “name” bracelets, shave lotion, jigsaw puzzle ltr, candy, sox, soap (extra fancy F&N) and handkerchiefs. You probably know what your folks sent (the tip off is the size 13 socks – keerect – my Dad invariably flatters me, with, for instance the size 9 bedroom slippers) and the photo case, books et al are mighty fine. As for the cookies – excellent! You gotta git agoin’ if you want to keep up to your mother (now I’m going to write your mother & tell her the same – if I can just get you two fighting to send me the best cookies – I’ll do all right!!) Both boxes were beautifully done up & not the least bit smashed. A great pleasure.
but I’ll be more happy when your mail comes more regularly. And how about pictures? I miss you guys. Be a good girl – write often – here’s all my love
22 Jan 1945 V-Mail
Hello, Mary darling – Here it is a very good day (even tho I didn’t get any mail) – look at the date! And I’ve just come from seeing “Rhapsody in Blue” – a 3 hour movie – and I’d go back to see it again tomorrow if I had a chance! A fine production, really – all the way through. Only lightly sentimental where it could have been maudlin. Carnovsky does a darn good job as Gershwins father – and Herbert Rudley does all right as his brother. Whoever the kid is who plays G.G is very good. You should see it when it comes around, honey – if only for Oscar Levant! Never saw him play himself better! What a production! Should run at the Rivoli for a year!
Not a darn thing new here, baby – except I’m extremely disappointed not to have been able to see Catherine Cornell who wasn’t too far away in “Barretts of Wimpole St”. Tried every way I could to get there, but they wouldn’t let me go. Wrote your folks last night, thanking them for the Xmas box. That was very nice of them. Hope you’re all having a grand time right now. How I’d love to be there – with you & Karen – Honey
Love, Rollie
23 Jan 1945 V-Mail
Hello, Sweetie – Please note the new address! It’s a big mystery to me. This afternoon the sgt called me in and said “Neibauer, I don’t know what this is all about, but here are the orders transferring you to one of our companies!” And here I am at the 3513th Ord MAM (medium automotive maintenance) Co! Bu is only about a block away at the time being, so moving was no problem – half hour later I am here. Have no idea what I’ll do here. Will find out in the morning. A very funny business. This is one of the best co’s in the business, however, and the fellow around me in the barracks have been very nice, and I’m sure I’ll like it once I get straightened around. My whole Army career seems to be concerned with getting acquainted with one new bunch of guys after another! Start addressing me here, now, darling – meantime I’ll pick up my mail at Bu. Got a Xmas card from Al Bloomingdale today, but that was all. Hey – I love ya, don’t I?
Posted at 13:57h, 04 Septemberwhat a great idea, and what a treasure of memories