13 Sep Message Center Chief, Feb 15 & 18, 1945
It appears that Dad has finally found a job he’s really excited about and refers to himself at the end of the second letter as having been given the distinction of “Message Center Chief”! This must have made him very happy! He has been given the job of sorting through reams of secret documents and says he doesn’t even know what’s going on in the war, as he’s been working too hard to read the paper!
Letter 15 Feb 1945
Helloo, baby – oh me – am I ever pooped! We’ve been going crazy all day! Getting an outfit organized from scratch is a rugged deal. But we’re getting everything straightened out gradually. The fact that we have a swell bunch of officers & men helps immensely. Our ego was greatly swelled when the adjutant, in a meeting mentioned that we are all”hand picked” from several choices. It seems strange to be back here only a block from where I was four months ago. Remember the place I told you about the gymnasium?
I have a letter from your Dad, and 3 or 4 from Mom and Dad to answer, but they’ll have to wait. I’m simply too fagged. One of the message center chief’s jobs here is supervising the filing – so (all the men are not here yet) having no one to tell to do it, I’m setting up the files, using the Dewey decimal system (see your librarian). I had a pile of letters, circulars, bulletins, memos, etc a foot high to be sorted – and nothing to sort ’em into. but – like I say, we’re getting it all straightened out. I sure do love ya, darling,
18 Feb 1945 V-Mail
Hello, Cutie – Cripes, I’m pooped! We’re really putting in the work & hours! Reminds me of when we organized the company to come overseas. Started going at 7:30 this morning, right after breakfast and aside from breaks for chow, haven’t stopped until now (9:30 PM) Besides message center (which is surviving pretty smoothly now) I’m handling the secret documents (which is a pretty responsible job) and getting all of them straightened out and setting up a way of registering them and all is quite a job. The better I get to know the officers and the men better I like them. Much more intelligent than any bunch I’ve been with since Basic days. We have a great many things in common to talk & argue about. This is a very good deal in a great many ways, in spite of the fact that I’m working a lot harder than I have in a long time. There isn’t the slightest bit of news aside from that. I just barely know what’s going on with the war – only time to glance at S& S – don’t know what day of the week it is – but today (after 9 months of wrangling to get one!) I was simply handed a Waltham wrist watch!! (for Msg. Center Chief). Of course, I’ll always love you & Miss K
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