16 Oct Route #66chix hit the road
When Jen Dragon and I (the Route #66chix) set out on our Route 66 adventure on The Ride for the Relay, many fans who had donated money for the cause (cancer research) followed us. We made these t-shirts as a way of saying thank you to all of them. This picture was taken on our first day in Illinois by a guy from another country, who didn’t even speak English! He took our picture – we took his. A universal gesture that requires no special language skills. This became our signature portrait for the entire trip.
We were quite a sight, as one of only two cars on the rally, as we trailed at the end of the line of 75 motorcycles with riders of all ages. On the first day, we had no idea what the road ahead had in store for us, but we were up for the adventure. And a grand one it turned out to be!
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