08 Sep Map detail, Feb 2 & 4, 1945
2 Feb 1945 V-Mail
Hello, baby – your DEC 15 ltr arrived yesterday. Nothing today. Wonderful mail service, hmm? You were a busy kid around holiday time, weren’t you Hope you had a wonderful time, darling. The “Corner” is shaping up fine. Have all the important maps now so can start concentrating on details. I type out the radio news every morning at nine. Give it “dictation speed” for just our purpose. Before that I straighten up the books & papers that are scattered around from night before, and after the broadcast I post the new locations, and peruse my N.Y. Times for special articles. Their “News of Week” is very helpful. I’m still coloring “Japan held” territory in one color, and putting dates & strings etc on our occupied islands. I’m going to cut out B29 planes & show them flying from Saipan to Tokyo etc. Ain’t Karen & I going to have fun cutting out paper dolls? A few more months of this life and I’ll be ready for it!! I was thinking, Readers Digest should have a set-up such as I’m working up. You sell ’em the idea & I’lll come back and fix it up. Gratis! Gladly!!! I love you, darling
4 Feb 1945 V-Mail
Good evening, Cutie pants – I’m sitting on top o’ the world today! Got four ltrs — one each Mom & Dad, & 2 from you – Jan 3 & 8th. Poor Mercedes. Tell her I hope her throat is fine now. And Mary – poor lil kid! Having to work so hard around the house! But the egg-nog probably helps keep up the energy! Hope they do more good than the cream & ginger – ale diet that was supposed to put weight on you. Remember? How is it you can always find such pleasant ways to pretend to get fat? “Laced with rum”, indeed! You’d better not be a skinny ol’ sot when I get home or we’ll have to go on to a plain steak -and-potatoes diet! I’ll show you! Gosh, it’s good to hear about you & Karen. I can see her following you around & sleeping with you on those cold nights. Wonderful. We’ve had a few days of real Spring weather. Except for a few hillsides, the snow has vanished – and we’ve had steady rain. War news gets better & better and we’re hopefulller & hopefuller! We had the best band & show (all male GI) last night I’ve seen overseas! But nothing would please me quite as much as just following Karen – as she follows you as you work. What a parade that will Be!!! I LOVE you guys – Pappy
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