14 Aug Letter from Mary, Dec 6, 1944
Well this was a shock! I discovered a letter written from Mary to Frank (my Dad’s Dad – my grandpa!) on stationery from Reader’s Digest, where she worked. Interesting to read her comments (and of course read between the lines!) Also interesting that she uses her maiden name on the envelope.
December 6
The Reader’s Digest
Pleasantville, N.Y.
(envelope says 1944) with her name listed as “Shannon” (maiden name)
Dear Dad –
Just in time for a note this time, and I feel very guilty about it because it’s been so long since I wrote you!
I mailed your Christmas package last Saturday; just a little envelope so don’t be naughty and open it before December 25th!
And I took the liberty of addressing Zoe’s package care of your address – because somehow I have lost her address, and I knew the package had to be mailed last week so I thought maybe you’d forward it for me – makes me feel very silly, but I suppose when I moved all sorts of things were bound to get lost!
Karen and I are both very well – I’m working awfully hard on the new house, painting and remodeling and all sorts of things. I’ll try to remember to send you a picture one of these days –
Rollie’s letters sound very lonely – I know he gets only about half of the letters I write him, which seems very unfair! I hope you write him often –
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