30 Jun Independence Day letter 1944
July 4th was my father’s birthday. He, like any soldier who have fought in any war, didn’t get to have special homage paid to him the day he wrote this. Although, he is excited about having been assigned to an “ordinance battalion”. I’ve done a bit of research online as his new address is “48th Ord. Bn.” to learn more about this, but haven’t gained any conclusive knowledge. I’m hoping that in the course of sharing these letters, others connected with this battalion may come forward to help educate me.
MQ 48th Ord. Bn.
APD #230 – %P.M., N.Y. C.
4 July 1944
Dear Dad – Seeing as how I don’t have any mail from home, I got the next best birthday present I could get. By the time I mail this you will see that I’m assigned to a headquarters detachment of an ordinance Battalion. What I’ll be and do will come later, but it’s a damn good deal and compared to where I’ve been it will be heaven. Most important thing (notice change of address) is that I’ll get mail quite regularly, and better chow and etc. I was the 1st and only one to leave our gang here again (same as in the States) but in this case it looks like for the best.
I sure wish that we could be having one of our old picnics today, with Mary and Karen. I imagine by now you’re so slow you’d have to hit a home run to get to 1st base – right? Take care of yourself, Dad, and don’t worry about me, this is a good job that I have. Love to you, and best to Aunt Ag & Aunt Mag – as ever, your son,
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