21 Jul In Paris, October 4 & 5, 1944
4 Oct 1944 V-Mail
Hi, honey – a long ltr from you this morning with front view picture of house. Looks huge & comfortable. I like the shutters, and trees and shrubs. I’m sending box #4 (I think this is four isn’t it?) with one quite nice cig. box, and another novelty cig. box that I picked up at St. Amand – near Vallenciouves (?) on border of Belgium, and some little pitchers & couple of dishes from Belgium. Also ash trays. And the crude French flag that the cute little French girl made for me. Also a couple tiny mugs with lift lids like steins. Maybe Karen and Dolores or Mona can play with them. Yes, I’d like you to give a bunch of the junk to Chez Lemont for Xmas. Likewise your folks, my folks, Bill & Ellen, Corny & Teenie, Nesbits, Ruth W. (the tiny inlaid box – found it in field near St. Lo). Naturally, you take choice of perfume (Chanel #5?) for anniversary present or Xmas. Maybe your Mother & mine would also like some for Xmas. I’m trying to find a big stein to send my Dad. You dispose of whatever you think would be appropriate. Would like to pass it out myself with a bit of where & how I got it, but think it will be better to just send it for Xmas. Miss you more every day my darling.
All my love to you – Mr. B.
5 Oct 1944 V-Mail
Mary dear – 2 nice long ltrs from you tonight. It’s really swell to hear from you so regularly, darling. There are a great many things in the Army that make a guy awfully depressed & disgusted – but nothing that a few of your ltrs can’t fix up. Nothing really holds much interest for me but the thought of going home. And the next best thing is to read about what you are doing, and what Karen says and does. Golly but I’ll be glad to just sit and look at you guys. We listened to the opening World Series game last night, and the second is on now (comes on 8 PM), but I’m not much interested. The first time we drove into Paris was in a convoy. Everyone was shaking hands & yelling. We finally parked on the square smack in front of Notre Dame! It’s really magnificent. I went in and walked around. I’m still kicking myself for not buying Dad a Rosary or something there. I just didn’t think of it. Then we sat at a sidewalk cafe near by and drank wine & talked with the people. A great many of them speak Eng. like I speak French, so we got on all right. We only had a couple of hours to spare so didn’t know what else we saw that day was. But did later – of which I’ll write next time. Hope the hosp. doesn’t scare Karen too much. Give her a big hug for me when you leave her there – and have a tremendous one for yourself, darling
All my love, Pappy
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