30 Jul Gymnastics, October 27 & 28, 1944
I’m getting the feeling that these guys are antsy and getting a little bored being forced to stay on the base – so how cool that they come up with their own gymnastics competition!
27 Oct 1944 V-Mail
Hello, Cutie – ain’t you the clever one, with your bedstead dressing table & painting & stuff? I’m very proud of you. Speaking of stuff reminds me of the GI who was broke and wrote home requesting 25 cents for “shaving cream & stuff.” His wife wrote back “Here’s 25 cents for shaving cream – you can get the stuff when you get home!” The silver dish presents sound very cute. Over here, to buy anything silver you must pay for it in silver money, or give an equal weight of silver in return. Having nothing but paper money (except the change in small coins) it naturally stops any silver purchases we might want to make – IF we could get out. I believe it’s a peace time law, too, about silver purchases. Notice, by the way that our APO is now number 339. Send Joe Swaldi camels for Xmas. Freddie D’s address is 1448 Queens Way, Hollywood. I’m still trying to find a stein for Dad for Xmas. If I can’t, maybe that’s an idea for you. Saw a lovely old castle today that I think you would have liked. Period of Edward the (blacked out) with low arches and sweeping roofs. My gosh but the designer of V Mail must have had a low opinion of our mentality (arrow pointing to a printed comment at the bottom of the letter saying “Have you filled in complete address at top?) YAAS! But I love you – don’t I? OK – it’s me – your husband
Mr. B.
(Side note: Joe Swaldi was his Mom Zoe’s husband, and Freddie D. is Fred DeCordova who became a famous producer of Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show)
28 Oct 1944 V-Mail
Hello, honey – doggone it’s been a long time since we’ve had any mail! Got snafued someplace, I guess. We’ve just been having a bit of a songfest. Couple of guys can harmonize a bit so we’ve dragged up some of the old ones and had a good time. We also have a short athletic meet almost every night. We have a high jump gadget that we keep raising. I can get up to about third best – main trouble is getting the last cheek of my big fanny over. On the leap frog “horse” (which we can raise to about 5’6″) another fellow and I are best. Strangely, his name is Neinberg – a sgt in the medics – long, lanky Swede. Then, of course we must each do a few turns on the rings. I’m the only one who can hang on the rings and do a forward somersault – know what I mean? Fairly easy to bring your feet up frontwards & roll over backwards, but pretty tough to roll over head first. Tear your shoulders out if you don’t do it right. We’re still paying for our fun with aching backs the next morning – but not as bad as at first. Maybe if we stay here a while I’ll get in condition. Course, I’ve been in condition to love you – for too damn long! Kiss ol’ Karen – all my love
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