05 Jul Frustration 7-13-1944
My father is beginning to get really frustrated with the cold and damp and no mail. Without much else to say, he includes this Nazi propaganda flyer that he thinks was dropped by our planes to be found by the German forces. If anyone reading this blog can translate German, it would be fascinating to know what it says.
13 July 1944
Letter #21
Hello, honey – Nothing new (still cold & damp & no mail) so I thought I’d fill up an envelope with a lot of junk that my or may not interest you.
Yank explains itself (though not a very inspired issue). Notice that there are two separate editions of S. & S.; one printed in England, and the one – sheet here in France. The leaflet evidently floated down on us by mistake. We gather that it was dropped for Nazi consumption from our planes. We found them when we got up one morning (brown stains are good ol’ French mud).
I’ve run out of reading matter. Can you send me some good pocket-sized books? Damn P.O. service. I’d sure like to get some mail. I love you guys – even if I am mad —— Boiling Pt. Pappy
Posted at 12:06h, 08 JulyTOP PHOTO:
The photo on the left, “Propaganda”, is an excerpt from a speech by Hitler where he tells Churchill that he will be lucky if he gets to spend 9 hours in the place he chooses to establish the second front. He’s referring to the anticipated landing/invasion. Noone knew where it would take place at the time. The one on the right, the “wirklichkeit” (reality) one, says that this is a photo taken by an allied war correspondent 9 hours after the first landing in Normandy.