03 Jul Food and money July 10, 1944
10 July 1944
Letter #20
Hello, honey – Doggonit – all it does in this country is rain and not deliver any mail!! It’s getting to be a bit of a pain in the peninsula! Here I work hard – mind my own business – to to bed at 10 every night – and STILL no mail! Well, I guess that covers that. Now what can I talk about. Food. Getting better all the time. We’re on practically the same rations as at home now, except of course, no fresh meat or vegetables on account of no refrigeration – but still the canned stuff is a treat after a pretty steady diet of K & C rations. Money? Haven’t been paid yet (for June) but one of the Majors wanted some pounds the other day so he took the 3 I had and gave me 600 Francs for them (one 500 franc note & a 100 – the 5 is big enough to paper our front room). A franc is worth 2 cents. So out of my 600 I went and spent 20 (Just like THAT) for a hair cut – and mighty smooth I now look. Well, not quite smooth – stubbly, shall we say? So here I am – hardly acclimated, and already I’ve spent 40 cents! Hot ziggetty! All we have is Invasion money (all paper – 2F – 5F & 10F all the same size, about 2″x 2 1/2″ – and 50F & 100F same size as our $1 bill, and then the 500F – tremendous – like my love for you & K. Pappy
Jean Kallina
Posted at 19:59h, 03 JulyThat’s cool! And it is still raining!