05 Sep Dad’s new post, Jan 25, 1945
Dad’s been moved to the 3513th Ordinance MAM (medium automotive maintenance) Company, but has no idea why! He talks a little bit about what he’s learning, but mainly says it’s nice working with “regular” guys! When I put this info into a search engine, what comes up is info pertaining to the 9th U.S. Army. So once again, this shows that Dad was part of this very large group. This link http://www.xixcorps.nl/Ninth_U.S._Army_January_1945.htm gives a detailed description of what was going on at this point in the war for the 9th Army division. For someone like myself, who is just feeling my way along through my Dad’s letters, it’s daunting how complex the whole coordination of the troops was.
Letter to Mary
25 Jan 1945
Good evening, darling – This darn mail situation gets worse as we go along. No mail – again – for last two days. That makes about two weeks now, doesn’t it? Rumor has it that a ship with 50 million ltrs has arrived, but we wouldn’t know. Thank gosh the Russians are still going like crazy – at least we get some good news. I think I’m going to like it fine here. Right now I’m learning my way around in the “parts supply section”. There are thousands of articles from nuts & bolts to whole engines – each with a number such as AE-17-B-2420 etc! It’ll take me a few days to get ’em all straight! I’m working with a T/5 by the name of Benjamin Franklin Borger. I asked him his first name today, and he said “Frank. everybody calls me ‘Ben’ – but my name is B.F.B. Frank!” I call him Frank – and like him fine. The CO & 1st sgt seem like regular guys & the chow is OK. So what more could I ask? Well – maybe you & Karen – but I don’t think you’d like it. But I love YOU
Letter to Frank
1402 East Fir Street, Seattle, Wash
25 Jan 1945
Dear Dad – Haven’t heard from you in about a month. Can understand it very well, however, as have had no mail in past two weeks! Expect a big bundle any day. You’ll notice that I have a new address. 3513th Ordinance MAM (medium automotive maintenance) Company – and you know as much about why I’m here as I do! Day before yesterday the Bu. sgt called me in and said “Neibauer, I don’t know what the hell this is all about, but here are orders transferring you to one of our Co’s”. So here I am about a block away from Hq! I’m working in the “part supply” section right now. You know what a parts sect. in a garage is like? Same thing, practically, here – except we can pick up & move in an hours time. Haven’t seen enough yet to know, but if 1st impressions are any good, I think I’m going to like it here. The CO and 1st Sgt and guys I’ve worked with seem like regulars – chow is good, & I’ve brought my bed with me, so what more could I ask? Except to be home! Love to you, Aunt Ag & kids
Your son, Rollin
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