23 Sep The Riviera, April 3, 1945
Another delighted letter, this one to his Dad, from Nice, France on furlough. Hard to imagine that the cost of one week’s vacation = $2.00!!!
3 Apr 1945 V-Mail
Dear Dad, Here I am in what was once the finest gambling casino on the Rivera! It is now the Red Cross Club, and being one of the lucky guys from the front, I am on a 7 day furlough in Nice, France, on the blue Mediterranean Sea!! It all happened so fast I didn’t know what was happening until I was on a train in Aachen heading South! We arrived Easter afternoon about 2 o’clock. Are living in the finest hotels, with waiters to serve us, light our cigarettes, etc. And the cost for the whole week, for room, food etc – is 100 francs, or $2.00!!! There are tours & trips such as the boat trip I took this morning in a little fishing smack. My gosh but some of those homes sitting way up on the cliffs are beautiful the Jerries painted camouflage on most of the big apt. bldgs, leaving just the top floor as it was, so when you look at it from out at sea it looks like a one story house sitting up on the cliff. Not much damage done here except the pill boxes, etc, which were blown up after we had captured them. I’m having a swell time, Dad. Cripes, it’ll be tough to go back to soldiering again/Rollin
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